
Whew… what a week! What an absolute whirlwind. I’ve never consumed so many happy dog videos, dancing and comedy reels, treated myself to some new houseplants, and last but not least—Mama Nature graced us with some beautiful sunshine! Ole gal had to have known what was needed, as…

A New Era

Well the time has come. Change is always inevitable, but how we adapt to it…is the task at hand. Entering times of uncertainty, can bring with it a host of emotions. Fear, anxiety, information “overload,” tension, sadness for some…while joy for others. One thing remains constant though- the…

New Beginnings!!

As the first week of the new year comes to an end, I am filled with a great sense of renewal. I’ve done some self- inventory, reflection, and listened to what my spirit has been trying to show me. I’ve been feeling stuck for awhile now, and I…

Hello & Welcome!!

Hello, I’m Jacqueline…or Jacqui. A little about me, and my journey. I grew up in Tacoma, Wa. I graduated from Wilson High School, in 1995. I left home at 18, to begin my career in the Navy. I am a proud Hospital Corpsman & 18 yr. Navy vet,…